
Leo is a passionate and motivated individual currently residing in the lovely town of Staunton, Virginia nestled right in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley. He studied Administration of Justice at Blue Ridge Community College in Weyers Cave, Virginia and Sociology and Mary Baldwin College located in Staunton, Virginia through their Adult Degree Program. His professional experience ranges in everything from industrial sales to non-profit management. He is currently working for the Institute for Reform and Solutions, a 501(c)(3) for which he is a co-founder, and doing freelance consulting and writing.

Leo enjoys reading and writing about social issues and public policy, particularly relating to the criminal justice system. In his free time, he loves playing his guitar and mandolin, especially Irish/Canadian/American folk music, bluegrass, and sea shanty's.

Leo was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but spent much of his days in Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he calls home. He moved to the Shenandoah valley around the time of high school and fell in love with the beauty and culture of the area.

He spends much of his time with his wonderful fiancee, Courtney.

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